THE BLUE MIRAGE by Joseph D. McNamara

The Blue Mirage revolves around Fraleigh, the new acting police chief of the turbulent Silicon City police force. Despite his new designation, the new chief does not really mind becoming invisible – his first SWAT strike was a disaster, a psycho sex killer named Zorro is on the loose, and Fraleigh’s hot affair with a lady politician threatens to become a media bonfire, with Fraleigh as the marshmallow.

Wanting to avoid the glaring public eye as much as possible, Fraleigh ends up instead at the Blue Mirage, a seedy bar where a routine collar explodes into a big-time sting tied up with millions, murder, and political mayhem. It’s a case that propels Fraleigh to his hometown, the Big Apple, where he confronts his troubled cop brother. Later on, as the suspenseful narrative unfolds, Fraleigh is also caught in an old NYPD scandal that won’t die, but might just kill him.